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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Atlas Shrugged Is Coming To Town

Speaking of economics and movies, I wonder how many people will be seeing the new Atlas Shrugged movie. I know one promising thing is that the mainstream critics at Rotten Tomatoes have predictably given it a zero percent so far at the time of writing.

Some magnificent, provocative, and profound movies have been trashed by the herd of critical scores of Rotten Tomatoes, so I am cautiously optimistic.

Atlas Shrugged 0%
The happening 18%
Repo Men 22%
After.Life  27%
Slipstream 23%
Southland Tales 35%
Human Centipede 49%
Doom Generation 47%
Anti-Christ 48%
Flashbacks of a Fool 38%
The Box 45%

(Source: I personally compiled this list based on scores of good movies with poor critic metascores as listed Rottentomatoes.com)

Of course scoring so poorly on the Tomatometer doesnt assure that Atlas Shrugged will be great, but it means there is a good chance that it will be anti-establishment. (Its not Rotten Tomatoes fault since it is just a consensus). But it saddens me that there are so few people, especially those who call themselves critics, cannot appreciate movies that try to see things in new ways, who cannot appreciate an intellectual and surreal movie like Anthony Hopkins' Slipstream, or an allegorical masterpiece like Anti-christ,  or a slow paced anti-action movie such as The Happening, or a totally in your face think outside the box movie like the highly provocative Southland Tales.

I do hope the Atlas Shrugged movie will be a success. If only to provide an alternative voice to the establishment anti-individualism that is running rampant in our world.

When people rip on individuals and individual achievements, as well as champions of individualism, like Ayn Rand, and Ron Paul do they not realize that the collective, herd, mass, majority is only an epistemological abstraction without feelings of its own. And that by joining collectives they are joining a herd that will devalue and trample over themselves.

So minions and individuals alike, will you be seeing the new Atlas Shrugged movie when it comes to town?


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